Friday, June 22, 2007

Pick up a copy of, FLIP TO PAGE 4!

You'll see this photo taken by me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cami Airisol: Winner of the Air Guitar Championship @ The Varsity

It's my first photo that has ever been published in print. In a deal that happened in about a two hour time slot yesterday, I got my FIRST PHOTO EVER PUBLISHED IN PRINT!

Plus, they paid me...another first...which fucking rules on many MANY levels...because now I can actually pay my T-mobile bill with real money and not love bucks.

Check out the online version here.

I only told a few people about it yesterday. My sister called me and woke me up this morning to congratulate me. I couldn't stand still at work. I wouldn't fully believe it until I saw it. I was worried that, even though I signed a contract and spoke with the woman several times and she even told me what page it would be on, it wasn't going to be there. When I got to the red brick apartment on the corner, Jen and I, at her urging, went romping through the streets of Uptown to find a copy of Through the sticker blanketed window, we saw it in CD Warehouse. I ran heart was racing...I opened the paper and THERE IT WAS! Jen just started squealing. I'm pretty sure I made a boner comment. It was so wonderful.

And, to quote Jen, "it's bigger than the Ryan Adams picture!!!!!"

Then we made a promise to each other to continue working really hard, keep one another in check and never sell our souls to Noah's Arcade.

This makes me so happy.


I am proud of this. I also am REALLY motivated to move forward, a wonderful feeling. I want to do this. I want to work at this. I have so very very very much more to learn. I sure do love this camera thing an awful lot.

First stop, air guitar. Next stop, Bruce wrapped only in an American Flag for the cover of JONESIE JAMZ.

Kiddin' I'm done now.

In short, pick up a copy of!

Also, I have really amazing friends who support me on so many levels, even when I ramble, even when I talk too loudly, even when I'm a mass of tears. I must have done something right to have these awesome characters in my life. It really does make me feel as if there's an army beside me. So...thank you!



Brianna said...

totally fucking awesome. congrats! It's an AMAZING photo!!! totally rock.

Sgt. Misty Peppers said...

Will you still be able to take pictures of me for my "Ebony and Ivory" sex club admissions application? I'd be willing to pay you in vegan chocolate chip cookies and a burned copy of the SHORTBUS soundtrack.