Thursday, February 15, 2007

I can't believe I stayed up until 2:30 am to make a mini cyber version of me.

The soft glow of the computer screen illuminates our spastic movement as we jam out to Stook and Mark Mallman. We are creatures of the night, Mini-Obsessed and me. I, as Ms. Frankenstein, created the monster entirely in my own likeness. She is my companion as the time nears 3 am. Our true bat shit craziness reveals itself come midnight and beyond.

Are we playing air guitar? Or are we making seductive masturbation movements to Bruce singing "Millworker"? Who can tell the difference when we dance? Who really cares?


Okay...but seriously...I have that exact outfit down to the skull slip-ons and red hoop earrings. Plus she has my lazy pigtail hair! And Mini-Obsessed even wears my same black beaded bracelet Starsky gave me during the Marah concert!!

Okay...but seriously...I'm going to bed so I can try to wake up to live my life in this thing we call reality.

Goodnight, Mini-Obsessed. Your jammies are in your unmade bed, next to your kitty cat blanket. Just throw the clothes on the floor.


bdkennedy said...

Seriously, why are you playing the air guitar when there is a real one behind you?

Alexa said...

Though we both own a guitar, Mini-Obsessed and I don't actualy know how to play it. But we both have the fever and we got to get it out somehow.

Anonymous said...

OMg that is the cutest freaking thing.

Anonymous said...

wow, that's awesome. i want one to put in my pocket for every time i need to talk and can't get ahold of you.
...hmm. that would be kind of scary actually...